
Recipe Review: Spicy Squash Salad with Lentils & Goat Cheese

Weekly recipe review time! This past weekend I hosted a lovely dinner party with some of my friends, it was a little bit of a difficult group to cook for because one guest has a gluten allergy and another is a vegetarian, but I embraced the challenge, and in the end I made a roast chicken, pesto pasta, and this recipe I found for spicy squash salad on Smitten Kitchen, that way everyone would have something they could eat, there was also a green salad brought by my friend Rebecca and for dessert I roasted pears to go over ginger ice cream. All in all I think it turned out smashingly but I wanted to specifically review the squash salad. I used canned lentils, which I would not suggest, they were really mushy and affected the overall consistency of the dish, I also would have liked to get more of a crisp browned outside to the squash because it also was a little mushy for my taste. Overall the flavors were wonderful and this is definitely a dish I would try again. Recipe found here.

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