Birthday Wishes

Today is my birthday so in honor of the big day I am compiling my ultimate birthday wish list.

1. Any painting by my childhood friend Sofie, the pictured artwork is one of my favorites because I love the colors but really she can do no wrong in my book, she's uber talented and I'm honored to know her.

2. Any of these beautiful, talented men on my birthday would do, or all three of them, why not?

3. This outfit from J. Crew or really anything from their most recent catalog.
4. This lovely print by Julie Morstad, it reminds me of my sisters and I, who I always wish I could be with on my birthday.

5. And last but certainly not least would be to have a great meal with family and friends, that would make the best birthday ever.


  1. You certainly have a type. Happy Birthday, Maia! Save some Adam Scott for the rest of us.

  2. Thank you Maddie, and there definitely will not be any Adam Scott leftovers if I get my hands on him.

  3. Wow, that Julie Morstad print is perfect for us. Dirty dishes-sigh- the bane of my life.

  4. a late happy birthday wish, Maia. Your blog is percolating nicely.


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