I started this weekend with a huge batch of homemade hummus, I ended up kind've combining 2 recipes I found online because the first one asked for dry garbanzo beans you had to soak overnight, which I did, but I was so anxious to use my new toy I then found a recipe that used canned garbanzo beans and took elements from both recipes to make my first hummus. It was delicious, but it made so much I'm not sure how I'm going to eat it all also I maybe would leave it in the food processor a little longer, but I prefer my hummus super smooth, while I know some like it a little more textural. Below is my photo, and here are the links to the 2 different recipes for you to try. 1. via smitten kitchen 2. via simply recipes
Recipe Review: Hummus
This past weekend I did a little shopping, I was on the hunt for a salt shaker or grinder, but couldn't find what I was looking for, I did however happen upon a great sale at Macy's and bought myself my first food processor, and it was half off, which makes it even more exciting! I've been wanting to buy one for years but could never really justify the price, but now that I have one I'm already dreaming of all the things I will make.
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