My Absence

Some of you may have noticed my lack of posting for the last couple of weeks and while I probably won't get back to normal posting for another week or so. I wanted to explain my absence.

The last couple weeks have been a whirlwind of change, mostly very positive and good change (which I will explain later) But there was one change in my life that has been more difficult, and that was the passing of my grandfather. To say he was an extraordinary man would be an understatement. He had a life so full of creativity, ingenuity, adventure and curiosity it would put some of the greatest minds in history to shame (in my humble opinion). A scientist and inventor who started his own business while raising a family and traveling to far off places, such as Ethiopia, Greece or just camping in the boundary waters. He never sat still, or stopped learning and always had some new anecdote or invention to discuss with anybody who would listen. I'm continually impressed by him and hope the stories of my life will someday equal his. He will be missed.

I also just wanted to mention quickly the positive changes that have been happening in my life. I got a new job in San Francisco and am moving next week. I will of course be posting more about this major upheaval, which I'm beyond excited about in upcoming weeks, but that is one of the reasons why I have been so busy, too busy to post. 
Below are just a few pictures of my grandpa.


  1. I'm sorry about your Grandfather. That can be really hard. All the best to your family.

    Congrats about San Francisco! I love that city.

  2. Maia, I'm so sorry about your Grandfather. He sounds like a remarkable man.

    Also, welcome to SF!

  3. so sorry to hear about your grandpa, maia. thinking about you...

    glad to hear you got a job in SF. where are you moving from again?

  4. Maia, can you help Grandma to see this? Call her and walk her thru it or find out when Peter will be there so he can help her to see it. It's beautiful. Thank you.

  5. It is a beautiful post, Maia. He was a remarkable person, wasn't he?

  6. I met your grandfather who was my first cousin (my mom was his Aunt Grace in Cincinnati) when I was about 7 or 8 yrs old. Your great grandmother Barbara used to stay at our house when she came to Ohio to visit. I always thought she was so exotic and interesting. My mom never tired about telling us of all the adventures she and Nelson had on their trip to California to see my sister Eleanor back in the 50's. Anyway hope your morning sickness subsided after this was written. I had mine for 7 mos of both of my pregnancies. It was horrible.


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