Post Christmas Meal Ideas

I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to make for the day after Christmas meal for my family. Since we'll be going to a large traditional feast at my grandparents house, Christmas day, I only have to worry about the following day when my immediate family will be noshing at my house. I wanted to make something a little less extravagant but still special and comforting. Below are a few of the ideas I found, but I would love to hear from you guys, what are you making for Christmas, if anything and are you going traditional or more casual? let me know in the comments below. (recipe links below image)

1. Steamy Kitchen / 2. What Katie Ate / 3. Kiss My Spatula / 4. Sprouted Kitchen


  1. The mini Calzones would disappear faster than you could make them! Stick with something like the Soup, it's filling and easy(er)to make, with a Baguette and some salad! You can never go wrong with bacon in anything.


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