
Ahhhh the long weekend is here, I can't wait to relax, eat hamburgers, watch fireworks and drink mojitos (with mint from my own garden) I will now leave you with a few of my favorite links from the past week.

  1. These curry fries would be the absolute most delicious addition to your 4th of July grilling meal via Sprouted Kitchen
  2. Want to go sketching in the park? via Oh Joy!
  3. Oh Madewell, why do you taunt me so with your cute casual perfection? via M Stetson
  4. I can only hope that my 4th of July party will look half as good as this one via DesignSponge
  5. Why do I not live here? via Desire to Inspire
  6. I wish my hair looked this good when it's crazy wild via iiiiinspired
  7. I'm so in love with this photo project via Julie Digs Design
  8. Think of how many ways you could use this homemade lemon simple syrup this weekend for all your adult beverages via Margaret & Joy


  1. Curry fries.. yum! Have a great long festive weekend! xo

  2. Thank you for the links, looking forward to clicking away!


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