
Steve Jobs

I very rarely feel a connection, or loyalty to a brand, as hard as advertisers work to get customers to only buy their product, there really is only one that I have been dedicated too, which of course is apple. And a big reason for this is Steve Jobs. When I was in graphic design school I bought my first apple 13" macbook, it was my prize possession, so small and beautiful. I would spend hours on that tiny little screen kerning type and laying out images, and in the process fell in love with design. There were, of course, many things that contributed to my love of design but Apple provided one of my most important tools and for that I am grateful. Steve Jobs will be sorely missed and not just because of the products he brought to us, but because of his vision, his creativity and his love of turtlenecks! R.I.P. Steve!


  1. Inventor, Business Man, American Icon. He will be incredibly missed in the design world!


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