Blog for Digs Charity

I am so excited to be taking part in a wonderful blogger charity event, called Blog for Digs. Organized by Claudia Clobes to benefit the organization Dwell with Dignity - "a non-profit group of interior designers and volunteers dedicated to creating inspiring homes for families struggling with homelessness and poverty". Over the next couple weeks bloggers will post about their childhood bedrooms and then link it forward to the next blog. In this way hopefully more people will get to know more about this wonderful charity. So here it goes...

My childhood bedroom was, in my mind pretty amazing, even though we lived on a tight budget, my mom, a longtime crafter and fiber artist and my dad a stay at home dad/super handyman seemed to always go the extra mile in creating a space that really let me and my two sisters explore our imaginations to their fullest. Proponents of handmade items, natural fibers and ambiguous toys, my parents did the best the could with what they had and they really instilled that idea in me. The things that I think can really make a child's room special and usable is a lot of low shelving with small bins where you can house all of your toys, crafts and books where they are easily accessible. The 2nd is wall art, I always wished we could have one full wall painted with chalkboard paint and I still think it would be an amazing creative outlet for any child. Unfortunately I don't have pictures to share from my own childhood bedroom but I included some wonderful inspiring photos instead.

To learn more about Dwell with Dignity please visit their website and donate to the cause.
And for more Blog for Digs memories visit Dallas Decorum for her post tomorrow.


  1. this is great. ditto to the chalkboard wall idea - totally doing that for my kiddos someday.


  2. How beautiful-handmade and organic--couldn't be more perfect--thanks for participating in Blog for Dogs, your support means the world to us!

  3. my parents were very creative as well! i didn't mention it on my blog for digs post but my father made a dresser for me and my mother painted it with my name and flowers (by my request). lol! She also painted my ceiling with clouds and faded the color down the walls. How great to have such creative parents! It really helps with being more imaginative as an adult :) I always had tons of random supplies around the house b/c of the two of them and my brother and I would build tons of stuff when we played. When I got older I got more into decorating my room and making it my space.

  4. That is so cool to hear Becca, I loved your Blog for Digs post as well. I feel like the older I get the more I appreciate how creative my parents are and how much of that was passed down to me. I also loved decorating my room as a kid, when I was 15 I painted my room bright tangerine orange with cobalt trim, it was a bit overwhelming but I loved it at that age and I'm so glad my parents allowed me to do whatever I wanted with my room and really express myself.


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